
Inspirational Posters

My Favourite Effect.
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*The edit is quite* - where there is a red box and its impossible to read.
Peer Feedback.

Here I used my original Image and cut out all the background using the quick selection tool , and just isolated the standing image of Chloe. 

I then found a spooky background which suited the theme I was using, then I dimmed the brightness of the image so that it stood out as an original image.

Here I used the brightness tool to adjust how light the background was, and also adjusted the contrast on therein image, so that it stands out, and so that it blends with the background image.and you can't see anything but the bloody hand and her shallow face.

I then added the title in which adds a complete contrast to the black background, so therefore its very attractive on the eye.
The added text of the reviews, also helps bring out the image as it adds another colour to the image.

Then i added a credit block which has all the people who helped make the film and produce it, it also sits in the middle of the page so once again catches your eye at a glance, this is also very helpful to draw in readers as they may see a name they like and then they will watch the movie.

This was when i added my final piece  to the poster which was the hidden mask stalking Chloe in the background, this is very chilling due to the fact the mask is only just visible, and disappears and appears depending on what angle you look at it from, i did this by adding a drop shadow to the image and giving it a faint red outline and slightly adjusting the brightness of the image to make it go darker.
This was my final Piece
